What is love? It is the most confusing thing ever. You love your parents, you love your friends, you love your partner, you love food, you love technology, you love the world − how do you define love?
In the past three weeks, I have the strangest, weirdest and most incredible encounter. It enlightens me and makes me imagine way too much. It all started a few months ago with technology. Technology allows you to communicated with everyone virtually over the Internet. All you need is to know his account and you can then communicate with him. This is the first time I met a person virtually before seeing the real person. It was an incredible time as you could imagine all sorts of things happening. And it seemed like it would be a dream come true every time you send the person a message and it satisfied your own imagination. It continued to a level that we talked about everything. I shared everything of my day. It felt a very special bond. Even if we had never met before, it felt like we were long missed old friends. The conversations continued endlessly. And the similarities in our conversations fascinated me. I will never forget about it.
It came to a point where I really wanted to meet the real person. And eventually, we did. It was a lucky day that I made it to the place so easily with plenty of time to spend. I could not imagine meeting this person for real, physically, in my life. He appeared in front of me. The exact charm that I imagine, but with a bit of unfamiliarity. Of course, this would be so natural and it happens all the time. The conversations went on for hours, and it felt so exciting. We talked about everything tiny bits of things and asked each other so many questions that I forgot what they were. It was just all happiness and excitement.
After the meet up, we continued the exciting chats that I never wanted them to end. However, it came to a point where I felt everything changed suddenly. The person anticipated less of me, the conversations reduced, the replies were always short, the less was shared. I guess this is because life starts to get busy again, and there is a new start for him which I am always glad for him.
I always miss this person and always would like to meet him again, hoping more will happen. And we did meet up again. The charm was back, the excitement was back when we talked in person, physically. I was so happy. The conversation went on and on, but there was a time when we have to depart. I did not know what to say it. I did not want to do anything that might harm such a great relationship. It was so contrary and confused when the way he spoke felt opposite to his actions throughout the night, at least that was how I felt. Maybe we both hesitated.
It is a very special relationship that always confuses me. I want something to happen, but I do not want it to. It is always full of mystery and contradiction. Love, what is it?
I love you so much, but in what way? I am not sure, and I hesitate to think about it.
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