I know time is running out. But, when your brian disallow you to store any more things, you have no choice but to chill out, and do something else to let your brain rests.
During these tough days, it would be very discouraging and annoying when you found yourself could solve certain problems, especially those who were not talented or outstanding, like me. This utterly deter me from studying, but to surf the net, or just relaxing and not do anything. This wastes time and makes no improvement. And, this is my case.
I am not sure whether you are like me or not. It is very frustrating to accept the fact that you need more revision though you thought you have done enough. However, I found writing as a great way to get away from those horrible hours of studying, yet you can train yourself to write better essays. Of course, you will have to write properly, perhaps something like this blog post. Not only would writing an essay like this ease your stress in revision, you could also enhance your writing skills.
Recently, I discovered that actually the essays and posts in several blog sites are very good writings, e.g. Engadget and believe it or not, a camera reviewing website called DPreview . Reviews on these websites always consist of great vocabulary that is very useful for our daily and examination compositions. By carefully reading these pages-and-pages reviews, you might not even understand many of the sentences, as there are many words that you might not have had known already. What I do is I look up the meanings of words that look appeal to me, and then writing them down on a rough work sheet. So, do take some time and find a blog or website that you like very much, that contains great quality of passages.
The aforementioned method has been working for me. I do not know if this is a practical for you, but one thing that I am sure is that by doing so, you have preponderance than those who do not do so. It might only have a marginal usage or too diminutive that you might not even notice in a short period of time. Unlike those materials given out by tutors, you will learn from these passages progressively and gradually, instead of memorising words that you do not even know how to use, or even not practical for daily life.
Personally, I think gaining knowledge is more important than getting extra high marks in examinations. If you could not use what you have learnt in your daily life, what you have memorised is nothing but redundant materials that occupy much space of your brain.
Brain is interesting and magical. It needs rests. But, this kind of rest is totally different than the physical type of rests that our body need after doing exercises. A day of rest might reinvigorate it and therefore, allowing more effective and efficient revision. Doing something else, like reading or writing, might also be great ways to bring in new power and enlighten your brain’s functionalities. By doing so, we can ensure that our brain will not fully dissipate its power and resources before we need it, for instant, the CE examinations in the coming weeks.
PS I have updated my blog’s theme, due to the unexpected image error suffered in the past month or so. I hope this new theme, Connexion, will be a good substitute and upgrade. Posts will be updated more frequently than the past few months, so, stay tuned.
To see the world of brightness, we must conquer darkness. There was a proverb who once said that there are only two creatures in the world which can surmount the pyramids: the eagles, and the snails. Diligence can sometimes be equal to results, even though we always believe inborn talent is the key to success.
I wrote it on another's blog days ago, but would like to write it all again on your walls. If you happen to be the eagle, treasure it! While for those who are not, try to be the snail. It doesn't matter whether you are the eagle or the snail, it only matters whether you have the intention to surmount the pyramids.
Darkness makes people more appreciative of brightness; silence makes people be aware of the joys of sounds. Maybe you could not have realized them before you actually faced them; and maybe to thank for the coming of all these that have been making you stronger.
Not everyone in your life could be a friend of you. Every person has his own attitude to life, own way of living, different personalities and characteristics. To choose a friend, different people have different criteria. If you do not like science, you don't have to force yourself to be in love with her.
Again, I wrote this on her blog (and I hope she would not be angry with me because I originally wrote it for her only XDXD), but would like to use it to end my words with:
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