Without a bit of luck, I just cannot concentrate and continue to do revision now. So, let me take a break and write a new post for my lovely blog.
In the past week, there had been quite much happening, especially new products and software from Apple, my favourite brand on the planet. Apple continues to renovate and reinvent what has been in our life for a long time. With their inventive thoughts, our life will definitely be improving and taken to a new level.
Talking about examinations, my first subject will come in less than 9 days. I still haven’t really studied that subject - that is Physics. I do not know why, I just do not want to revise and work on it, perhaps the constant and repeating mistakes make me feeling a bit annoying. Anyhow, I must work very hard and do very well, as this examination is how others going to judge me, though I do not fond of this way of judging people.
To judge whether a person is intelligent and helpful should not be based on one’s results in an examination. Results would not tell whether a person is nice and helpful, nor could it tell whether one is a liar or a cheater. You can only define whether a person is genuine and smart when you see how they respond to unexpected scenarios and pre-set steps in completing a task. Why would not Steve Ballmer be the CEO of the Decade, and turned out to be one who does not even have a degree - Steve Jobs? How a person create and innovate is the key to success. Degrees just cannot show how talented you are.
There are numerous cases in St. Paul’s College, where you can see people with high qualifications does not mean they are nice people and can make things work out nicely. Of course, I would not mention names, as this could bring great trouble to me and my friends if their names appear in this student blog. You know it better than me.
This brings us to another topic. People in nature would just never accept criticisms. Think about yourself. Whenever you are being told bad, you would get furious and not think about what those people had said. Sometimes, however, there is not a need to pay a cost of having our brain cells dying. We have ears, and they are created for us to listen to people’s criticisms and comments. Just listen and think. Remember that a person can only improve if you learn from mistakes and your wrong deeds, so you can evolve to be a more mature and strong person that can overcome difficulties in life, and find out great ways to complete a task.
We are gifted with a mouth, two ears and two eyes. We look; we talk; we listen. This is what we are gifted and we should use them wisely. Keeping our mouth shut at times when we disagree does not help make a task able to be completed nicely and thoughtfully, instead will it bring unnecessary issues and problems afterwards. Similarly, we should not close our ears and do things that no one supports. It will not work if those concepts are made out of nothing and simply are designed for your own tiny little world. And, as we have eyes, we should always think three-dimensionally, so to stimulate and activate our brain cells in a good way that we might be able to bring along great stuffs that stunned the crowd.
Do not hesitate to say your thoughts out loudly and clearly. But, don’t forget to present it in a packaged and well-thought-out manner that people will accept it more easily. This is prominent as shouting, screaming and extreme actions such as that lead by some parties in Hong Kong will never make things work. People will just find you being naïve and simpleminded, and doing them without thinking with the brain.
All in all, we should use our mouth and ears wisely to make things work out nicely, and to create an harmonious environment that both leaders and ordinary people happy. This is of utmost important.
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