I've tried three times, but all failed. Why was that the case? No idea. Perhaps it's because of a lack of luck, and emotions, at a particular time. All in a sudden, things changed, and the situation may even turn 180 degrees without any signs or indications. It all happened in a split second. You could never predict what is going to happen in the next second.
Surprises and unexpected situations occur more often than ever in these days. The reasons are - unknown. No one could answer me why would these happen. All I could blame is nothing. Not even myself, nor luck. They happened without reasons. There were no causes. It was like they were planned to just happened.
Things could not turn out right without a bit of luck. All events require a bit of luck to make them successful. Without a tiny bit of luck, all things would just happen in the way you never want to see. You might would have imagined what come to the worst would happen, but you would never want it to happen in the real world. Never ever. However, we couldn't avoid them from happening if it was planned to happen by the "substance" that control your life, even if you have never wished or wanted. Just because of lacking that bit of luck, you would fail.
I am just an ordinary person in this gigantic world, and one in the many billions of people. When failure comes to me, naturally, I would be sad. And I would really be very sad. My world would turn grey immediately. Eventually, everything just wouldn't be happening in the way I want it to be. Everything would happen in the opposite way. My heart tells me that it was painful, and was tearing apart.
However, let's think deeper. Failure should never rule your life. It kills your heart. It makes it painful. It makes it sad. Why couldn't use turn all these failures into success. Never forget that success won't come if you have never come across failures. Failure seems like a devil, but it really helps to bring you to the next level.
Trial and error is an essential part to bring success to you. If you have succeeded without coming across the "trial and error". It's all luck, and it would turn out not really that successful.
I don't know whether I would success in the next trial. Maybe, or maybe not. Maybe I would have to wait until the fifth trial, sixth trial or even the eleventh trial to be successful. It really doesn't matter, but I just wish that everything I do in the future would pay off, and would allow me to get what I want.
Of course, I wish that it would happen in a foreseeable future.
PS Sorry for "speaking of nothing" for that long.
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