There are no unlimited chances in this world. Chances will be given to you, but just in a very limited amount, and that you should always treasure them. If you have missed them, then tough, you're on your own. No one are going to compensate for that, because the one who missed them is you. No one else than you are responsible for that. Everything you've missed cannot be there again.
Chances, perhaps are just a tool that people use to make up excuses for themselves to not face what they have done. They hadn't the courage to face them, rather, they think that they might be able to do it right if they are given one more chance.
Chances cannot be given "loosely", as too much chances given will do no good but harm. You would never think of what happened and what you should do if you were given the chance to do it right this time; only would you blame on something that doesn't make sense - the time is not right, the venue is no good, etc.. If you had been like this before, you're on your own.
But if you haven't missed your chance, it's yet to come. You have to believe in your God, your destiny or whatever you believe in that will guide you to the right path and meet the chance you've been waiting for. Just like Susan Boyle, her chance came only when she was 47, unemployed, unmarried, in the TV show Britain's Got Talent.
So, we should always bare in mind that chances are valuable and that we also should always treasure the chances granted to us.
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