
Think Different!

19 February 2009

One week

Inter members,

The Intermediate Choir is going to compete in the Inter-school Music Festival exactly one week later, on 26th February.

Truth be told, it's by far the worst Intermediate Choir, may I say. People, whether in Tenor parts or Bass parts are not well trained. A lot of technical problems have to be handled. Support, breathing and a lot more has to be improved in just a week's time.

In fact, I have no confidence that we could win in the Music Festival this year. But, I'm going to do the best I could to help the choir out of it's current situation.

First off, I'll do part rehearsals for both Baritone and Bass starting on Saturday. I'll try to squeeze some time for both parts. These small part rehearsals may not solve the problems we faced very efficiently, but it does work. It has been proved by us, the Basses.

Secondly, I think it's important to phone people up and ask them to go to practices. I'll call them before important practices. They then will have no excuses for not coming to practices.

Thirdly, it is important to inform your part leader if you are not able to attend any of the practices. A short written note is necessary. They should be given to part leaders, and then to Mr Mok.

Lastly, I'll be very strict in these few weeks. People many anti or show much hatred on me. But I think it's worth it. Only if these actions benefit the choir, I'll do it even I'll have to face a lot of difficulties.

It is very important that we work together as if we are one. We should sing with one heart and one voice, and ignore all other's comments on us. We should do the best we could to face the coming challenges. The choir belongs to us. It's not belonging to the school, nor the principal, nor the Religion Powers. It's ours, and it all depends on us.

Enough said, I hope to seeing a great improvement over the next two weeks.
